Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Rice Krispie Treats Lollipops

Whip up a batch of your childhood favorite treat - Rice Krispie Treats - in Lollipop form with white chocolate frosting and sprinkles! How could you resist?! Like Jenny on Facebook Facebook.com Follow Jenny on Twitter Twitter.com Twitter.com Recipes & More ILoveFlavor.com HAVE A FLAVORFUL DAY! Jenny Kelley XOXO iMovie Music - Cartoon Trill & Ascending, Kids Cheering Incompetech.com - Happy Boy End Theme Photography and videography was taken by myself (aka iloveflavor)

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Great Snack Ideas For the Classroom

!±8± Great Snack Ideas For the Classroom

Pre-schoolers and elementary students alike need a little pick-me-up now and then. Whether you need to send in treats on a regular schedule, or you have volunteered to help out with a special event, a special snack from this list is sure to please. Depending on how festive you want the occasion to be, you can package snacks in plain zip top bags, decorate your own bags, or purchase special treat bags that are designed to suit the occasion and then tie them up with pieces of ribbon when you have them filled.

Make sure you check with your school or teacher to see if there are any foods they don't allow at snack time. There are many restrictions in schools that don't allow you to serve certain types of foods to children, which can make it difficult to plan for snacks that are fun for kids. Many schools don't allow you to serve any peanuts or peanut butter due to allergy severity, and you may not have the option of giving kids foods that contain added sugar. If you are restricted to those foods that are deemed "safe and healthy", then you will need to add even more imagination to the presentation of the food to make it appealing to small children.

Great snack ideas:

Rice Krispie Treats are a favorite of children and adults alike. If you want to give them something besides the typical Rice Krispie square, mix up a big batch of the treats and add colored Krispies or food coloring. You do not need to be restricted to rice cereal-try a variety of different cereals for a different look, or go whole grain for a healthy, energy packed choice. Use cookie cutters in fun shapes or for the holiday to cut out the treats and you can add a popsicle stick to make eating them easier and neater!

Popcorn balls are a favorite treat, especially in the fall. Try mixing in a few M&M's and putting the ball on a stick. You can find many recipes online for caramel, cinnamon, and other flavored popcorn balls to give kids something a little less traditional. Popcorn may not be suitable for kids under the age of five, so be sure to check with your child's teacher if needed.

Veggies with Dip is a great snack for kids. One of the things that increases children's taste for vegetables is ranch dressing. If you can afford to get them the individual dipping cups with the dressing then have the carrot and celery sticks, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. already prepared, then it's just a matter of having the veggies divided and ready to eat. If this takes too much out of your budget, then get some little paper cups or holiday treat holders that won't easily spill and spoon out from the jar.

Fruit and Yogurt is another great snack time combo. Cut the fruit into small pieces for dipping, and serve with vanilla yogurt "dip. Home made trail mix is another great idea. You can easily make it in bulk, use the ingredients you want, and then package it in a variety of fun containers. This is a treat that is healthy, delicious, and approved by most schools! Ingredients can include any dry, bite sized morsels, like cereals, raisins, crackers, or seeds. Adding a small amount of a "fun" item like M&Ms can make your snack mix more appealing-just watch out for poachers!

You can also mix up a batch of "Chex" party mix. The recipe should be right on the box of cereal and is usually made in bulk. Kids will love helping to make their own snack right in the classroom and all you need are fun containers to scoop it into!

Whatever you choose as a snack for the classroom, keep in mind that packaging is a big part of the fun. Look for inexpensive and creative ways to serve great classroom snacks!

Great Snack Ideas For the Classroom

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Crispy Garlic Chicken Wings Recipe

These crispy wings are perfect for a summer soriee. Served with sweet chili sauce for dipping, they make the perfect treat! Here is the link to the written instructions for this recipe: www.bellaonline.com

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Nicko makes you these yummo treats! CLICK HERE to see Jess's baby shower video :) www.youtube.com NICKOS DAILY VIDEO DIARY www.youtube.com TWITTER: www.twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com NICKOS T-SHIRTS www.zazzle.com.au Ingredients: 3 cups rice bubbles / crispies 1 cup mini marshmallows 1/2 cup mini M&M's 2 cups melted butter (leave to cool) ENJOY! ~ Nicko Music from Nickos Kitchen is from www.incompetech.com Used with permission

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Copyrights, Trademarks and Patents, Oh My! Understanding Intellectual Property

!±8± Copyrights, Trademarks and Patents, Oh My! Understanding Intellectual Property

You are a business owner with a web presence. During a routine Google search for your page ranking, you discover something disturbing. There is another company out there with a name very similar to yours and almost identical content on their website. What do you do? Is your company name and website content automatically protected by copyright law? Should you have registered your company name as a trademark? Can you demand that they change their name and dismantle their website immediately?

Intellectual Property can be a confusing topic, and one that all business owners should know about. Sadly however, many entrepreneurs simply don't. Intellectual property is in very simple terms an idea that legally belongs to somebody, be they a company or an individual. Only the owner of that idea, or somebody the owner has a legal agreement with can use the idea. Generally, the owner of the idea is usually its creator unless someone paid them to create the idea, in which case the idea's owner is the person who paid for the idea. There are different kinds of intellectual property, but for the purpose of this article, we will focus on copyright, patent and trademark.

Patent - A patent protects the creators of new inventions. An invention can include anything from a new product or business method to a recipe. If you decide to patent your invention, there a few things you should know. First, you will need to apply for a patent in every country where you would like your invention to be protected. Secondly, getting a patent is going to cost you a pretty penny. You will have to pay thousands of dollars to patent your idea and it will take a minimum of 2 years (probably more) before you are granted a patent. Also, your precious invention will no longer remain a secret since your patent application will be made public once your application is submitted. If all of this wasn't enough bad news, patent protection generally only lasts for twenty years from the date of your application. Phew! On the up side, once your patent is accepted, you can sue anyone who tries to manufacture or sell your invention.

It's worth mentioning here that another method to keep your invention protected is to keep the method of manufacturing it a 'trade secret'. If you choose this process, of course, in order to manufacture your product, you will have to tell somebody. You would have to have anyone who would learn your secret sign a confidentiality agreement. Consult a lawyer if you plan to use this method.

Trademark - Trademarks are the marks used to distinguish one company's products or services from another's. They can include a product name, a slogan, and any other mark that is deemed to be unique to a company such as a logo or unique packaging. As a rule, you can't trademark descriptive words, geographical names or a person's name. You also cannot register a business' name. You can however, register part of a name used to identify a product or service. For example "Kellogg's Company" is the owner of the "Kellogg's" trademark and the "Rice Krispies" trademark. You cannot register a trademark similar to one that is already in use by another company. Beware; a trademark does not have to be registered in order to prevent others from using it. If a company is using an unregistered trademark in your geographical area, they can still prevent you from using it. You could perform a search in a trademark database and find later that you are using another company's unregistered trademark. If you find another company in a completely different industry using your unregistered trademark, you probably won't be able to do anything about it if they are not your competitors or if they are not in your geographical vicinity. Protection of a registered trademark however, is much stronger than an unregistered one, and once you have a registered trademark, you can prevent competitors from using it, or confusingly similar ones anywhere in the country in which your trademark is registered.

Copyright - Any written text, artistic work, or computer program is automatically protected by copyright. Anything you or I write, be it published, online text or unpublished, handwritten text, is copyrighted. Also anything we draw, paint, photograph, film, or compose is also protected by copyright. Copyright can be registered, but it doesn't have to be in order for it to be illegal for individuals to copy someone else's work. Copyright also lasts for an extremely long time. Usually it lasts the duration of the author's life plus fifty years at which point it becomes a part of the public domain and can be used by anyone.

Factual information cannot be copyrighted. For example, this article is based on fact. Although you cannot copy my article and claim to have authored it yourself, you can take the facts included in the article and use them in your own written material. If you would like to use a very small portion of someone else's written work, this is usually acceptable as long as you credit the author.

Finally, what do you do if someone uses your work without your permission? Your first step should be to contact the individual. You can usually either go to the contact page on the offender's web site or go to http://www.whois.com and enter the offender's domain to find contact information. If your initial communication doesn't get results, you should then send a 'cease and desist order'. For sample orders, just perform a search on 'cease and desist orders'. Finally if still no action is taken by the offending party, contact their web host and advise them of the situation and finally, contact search engines and make them aware of the situation. These actions should render the offender's website useless or in the very least give them enough trouble to convince them to remove the copied material.

For more information on intellectual property in Canada, visit the Canadian Intellectual Property Office at http://www.cipo.ca, for the U.S., visit the United States Patent and Trademark Office at http://www.uspto.gov and for Europe please visit the European Patent Office at http://www.european-patent-office.org

Copyrights, Trademarks and Patents, Oh My! Understanding Intellectual Property

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Monday, November 28, 2011

What is a Gluten Free Weight Loss Diet?

!±8± What is a Gluten Free Weight Loss Diet?

The gluten free weight loss diet started out as a kind of recommended diet for those with celiac disease. However, due to the onset of diet fads, the gluten free weight loss diet became recognized even those who are not diagnosed with the disease. A lot of people are self-diagnosing just so they can buy gluten-free products and start losing weight. Remember that a lack of understanding of diets can lead to complications and side effects that may even lead to more weight gain so before jumping into the bandwagon of the gluten free weight loss diet, make sure that you are properly informed on what it can do for you.

The person with celiac disease

Gluten is a protein component that can be found on barley, oats, triticale, wheat, and grains. A person with celiac disease has a small intestine that is sensitive to gluten. In fact, even small portions of gluten can cause them harm. There are no known causes for the disease but it is believed that there are environmental and genetic factors involved. There is still no cure but it can be managed with a gluten-free diet. If left untreated, it can lead to a variety of disorders like osteoporosis, malnutrition, and infertility.

What the diet can do

The gluten free weight loss diet contributes to the recovery of the small intestine as well as in aiding in the absorption of important nutrients. With this diet, you avoid all types of food that have rye, barley gluten, and wheat. Examples of foods we love to eat but contain gluten are breads, pizza, pasta, malted breakfast cereals, bagels, and crackers. Oats are also avoided and you have the option whether to avoid or limit your intake of milk. Beer products, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages are also avoided.

What you can eat

With a gluten free weight loss diet, you can still eat any of the following food products since they naturally do not have gluten:

1. Fresh, dried, canned, or frozen fruits and vegetables as long as they do not have thickening ingredients and additives that have gluten.

2. Starches and flours made from rice, soybeans, tapioca, corn, and buckwheat.

3. Dairy products like cheese. However, avoid these products at the beginning of your treatment for celiac disease.

4. Eggs

5. Alcoholic beverages like wine and liquor like brandy, whiskey, ciders, and liquers.

6. Unprocessed meat products

7. Frozen or canned meat products, provided that they do not have any sauce.

8. Cereal products made from corn, lentil flour, rice bran, amaranth, lentil flour, psyllium, and polenta.

9. Rice crackers, rice crispies, corn tortillas, taco shells made from corn.

10. Gluten-free pasta, bean or rice vermicelli, buckwheat noodles, and rice noodles.

11. Condiments like tomato paste, jam, honey, cocoa, vinegar, honey, tahini, and some salad dressings and sauces.

12. Snacks like plain corn chips, plain chocolate, and popcorn.

13. Drinks like coffee, tea, mineral water, and spirits.

A few precautions

Be careful when buying foods that are labelled as "wheat-free" because it does not necessarily mean that they are gluten-free. When buying food, read the ingredients on the labels and be aware of the kinds of hidden gluten like those that can be found in different food additives and medications. Also, be aware that there are products that have "modified food starch" written on their labels because they may contain gluten.

Do not self-diagnose

Never self-diagnose that you have celiac disease. Before going on a gluten free weight loss diet, make sure to check with your doctor first. Only your doctor can give you the right diagnosis by showing that your bowel lining is damaged through endoscopy, blood tests, or by performing a biopsy on your bowel. More importantly, it is advised that you do not go on a gluten free weight loss diet before going to the doctor for a real diagnosis.

Stuff to remember

The gluten free diet may seem a little overwhelming at first. However, with enough knowledge, information and support, you can incorporate the diet into your lifestyle without any problems. Having celiac disease does not mean you have to stop eating majority of your favorite foods because despite several restrictions, you can still enjoy a variety of foods included in the diet. Furthermore, if you need more information on celiac disease and gluten free diets, you can consult a gastroenterologist, your doctor, or a credited/licensed dietitian or nutritionist.

What is a Gluten Free Weight Loss Diet?

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Friday, November 25, 2011

How to Make Rice Krispies Treats

Master the Turducken! mhlo.co www.facebook.com Checkout Mahalo Cooking's Facebook fanpage here! Check out our official Mahalo page: www.mahalo.com This recipe is provided by Recipe.com: www.recipe.com Miranda Valentine, founder/editor of the popular lifestyle blog, Everything Sounds Better in French, betterinfrench.com , shows us how to make rice krispies treats! Check out all of Mahalo's Cooking videos here www.youtube.com Check out these related Mahalo pages: How to Make a Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie: www.mahalo.com How to Cook Trout: www.mahalo.com How to Juice a Lemon: www.mahalo.com How to Make Perfect Sushi Rice: www.mahalo.com How to Make French Toast: www.mahalo.com How to Grill Ribs: www.mahalo.com How to Make Sushi: www.mahalo.com How to Make a Healthy Peanut Butter and Jelly Smoothie: www.mahalo.com How to Bake a Potato: www.mahalo.com How to Cook Roast Beef: www.mahalo.com How to Make Yorkshire Pudding: www.mahalo.com How to Make Mashed Potatoes: www.mahalo.com Check out these Mahalo How-To Playlists: How to Use Facebook: www.youtube.com How to Use Adobe Photoshop: www.youtube.com How to Speak French: www.youtube.com How to Speak Italian: www.youtube.com How to Speak Japanese: www.youtube.com How to Speak Spanish: www.youtube.com How to Get into Shape: www.youtube.com How To Become a Pharmacist: www.youtube.com How To Become a Photographer: www.youtube.com How To Get a Job: www.youtube.com How To Make Cocktails: www.youtube.com How To Make Coffee ...

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Key Tips To Following a Celiac Diet Successfully

!±8± The Key Tips To Following a Celiac Diet Successfully

Celiacs cannot eat any gluten in any form whatsoever. Gluten is the one of the protein components found in Wheat, Rye, Barley and Oats (think BROW for a good acronym to remind yourself). So that means any products that list any of those substances in their ingredient list is off limits. These days most supermarkets are a lot more label conscious and have to put by law( in certain countries) what every substance is in their product.

A lot of manufacturers are also aware of the many allergies in the consumer market and so there is often a list of allergens as well. Be sure to check the ingredient list anyway, as not all manufacturers always know exactly what gluten is. For example "corn flakes" and "rice krispies" say they are "gluten free" on the box, but the ingredients contain a small amount of barley malt. Technically this is not gluten free, although it is in small enough amount not to affect you, if you are highly sensitive, or are only at the start of your journey to heal your gut, then avoid it.

The most important thing is to educate yourself. You cannot rely on the labelling of your favourite food products, or even the nice lady at the store. If you do not arm yourself with all the knowledge of the food you can and cannot eat, you make face contamination or accidental ingestion and then you may not understand why you are not getting better.

I have personally gone through trial and error of certain products which still may affect me. I am highly sensitive to any form of gluten and when you cut it completely out of your diet, as Celiacs have to, then even the smallest trace amount can affect me.

So what foods contain gluten? Here is a sample list:

• Atta
• Bal ahar
• Barley
• Bread Flour
• Bulgar
• Cake flour
• Cereal extracts
• Couscous
• Crackerbread
• Durum
• Farina
• Gluten
• Kamut
• Laubina
• Malt
• Minchin
• Oats
• Pasta
• Puffed wheat
• Rye
• Ryvita
• Semolina
• Soy Sauce
• Spelt
• Triticale
• Soperamine
• Wheat bran
• Wheat germ
• White flour
• Whole wheat flour

What can you eat on a Celiac Diet?
• Amaranth
• Arrowroot
• Buckwheat
• Corn /Mielies
• Chickpea / Gram flour
• Maize
• Rice
• Mabella (sorghum)
• Millet
• Potato /yam flour
• Quinoa
• Tapioca
• Lentil (urid) flour
• Sago
• Soya
• Teff
• Rice ( any products made from rice)
• Ricethins
• Rice cakes

Of course those are just the grains you can eat. You can also eat all fruits and vegetables. All proteins such as chicken, meat, fish, eggs and seeds and nuts are naturally gluten free. There is a huge variety of choices of food products you can eat. Don't ever feel like you are deprived. See it as an opportunity to know exactly what is going in your mouth and making you so much healthier. It's a challenge to begin with, but once you get the hang of it, you will be feeling so well and great, you will have wished you had gone gluten free sooner!

The Key Tips To Following a Celiac Diet Successfully

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bunny Bites and Egg Delights - Kids No Bake Easter Recipes

!±8± Bunny Bites and Egg Delights - Kids No Bake Easter Recipes

Children love Easter eggs and decorations, but also the love for fun in all the delicacies. These recipes Easter guys are the perfect way to combine the fun of them and some other tasty bites and rabbit egg. The instructions for each of them are no-bake process. You can bake your own articles, if you want to buy or just bought, and then add the decorations to treat them in the fun again for the upcoming holiday.

Children of Easter recipe# 1

Easter Bonnet Cookies

These plugs are for food and not to wear, although they did look so beautiful.

Sugar Cookies Vanilla wafers Frosting Decorating gel Fruit Roll Ups Directions
Take a vanilla wafers and frosting to spread on the bottom of the wafer. Put them in the middle of a larger side of icing sugar cookies down. Now frost the whole (two cookies). Wrap some fruit roll-ups around the center (where the wafer) and gently tieit into a bow. Finish it off with some fun designs using the decorating gel. If you want different colors for your bonnets simply add some food coloring to the frosting before you cover the cookies.

Kids Easter Recipes #2

Easter Egg Spinach Dip

This traditional bread and dip recipe is perfect for your party this coming holiday.

Large Oval Shaped Loaf of Bread (Rye or Pumpernickel) Spinach Dip (store bought or make your own) Yellow Food Coloring Directions
Cut the loaf in half lengthwise. Hollow out the middle of both halves. Take half the spinach dip and place in a bowl. Add yellow food coloring and blend in until you have the desired color. Place the yellow colored spinach dip directly in the middle of the bread bowl. Place the remaining spinach dip all around the center. With the bread pieces taken from the middle, tear into small pieces and place all around the bread and serve. Tip: Add some cheese amongst the bread by using a small scoop and block cheese. These will look like jelly beans placed in with the bread pieces. If you want you can decorate the outside of the bread (egg) using a spray cheese.

Kids Easter Recipe #3

Easter Bunny Cupcakes

These adorable bunnies won't last long once the kids see them. With their floppy ears and whisker noses, they look so cute and cuddly.

Cupcakes (store bought or make your own) White Frosting Black and Red Licorice strings Nutter Butter Cookies Brown and Red M & Ms Directions
Frost the cupcakes (if not already bought that way) with white frosting. Place 2 Nutter Butters on each side of the cupcake at the back (these are the ears). You can add some pink frosting to highlight the bunny ears. Place 2 brown M & Ms in the cupcake for eyes and a red one for the nose. Add some whiskers using the black licorice. Finish this yummy bunny of with a smile using the red licorice. Kids Easter Recipe # 4

Rice Krispie Easter Baskets

Rice Krispie treats make the perfect ingredient for shaping into fun designs. These Easter baskets are so fun to make and decorate.

Rice Krispies Marshmallows White Frosting Green Food Coloring Jelly beans or Oval Shaped candies Directions
Make the Rice Krispie treats as directed on the box. Use a small bowl and place up side down. Spray with cooking spray. Press the Rice Krispies treat onto the bowl to shape it into a basket. Let it cool before removing. On a sheet of waxed paper press some Rice Krispie treats into the shape of a handle. You may need to measure the bowl to make sure you make this long enough. Turn it right side up and place on waxed paper. In a mixing bowl combine the frosting and green food coloring. Spread the frosting on the inside of the bowl to make it look like Easter grass. You can use other colors if you want. Press the candies into the frosting to fill the basket with eggs. Take your Rice Krispie handle and place frosting on both ends. Press on each side of the basket to hold in place. To brighten up this kids Easter recipe you can use fruit roll-ups and wrap it around the handle for some added decorations.

Bunny Bites and Egg Delights - Kids No Bake Easter Recipes

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